Pass: Family QR Code Wallet

Showing your photo id along another card sucks because you end up having to scroll back through your private photo library to find it. In addition, each family member over 12 years of age also needs to do this. With this app you can easily swipe through the app to show proof for each family member quickly without exposing private photos.


App Screenshots

Here are a few screen shots of our app in action!


Frequently Asked Question

Below we have our most frequently asked questions about our app.

Yes our app does not share your photo id, card, or any of your data at all. When you upload your photo id and card they are securely stored on your device and they stay on your device. Your photo id and card are never stored or sent over the internet so you can feel totally safe using our app.

Yes, you can upload a photo of your a regular card or a QR code card and it will work just fine and you'll have the convenience of being able to store all family members in the app to make showing your proof cards easier.

No, our app does not do any verification at all. It is simply meant as a tool to make it easier for you to show your proof cards for you and your family members without having to scroll back through your photo library or fumble around with your physical photo id and QR code / cards.

No, our app is totally free and does not display ads.

No, is is only available on the Apple appstore at this time.

Yes, you can pinch and zoom to get a better look. You can also turn your phone to landscape mode if you need an even close look.